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Uncovering the Challenges to Safe and Resilient Operations through Data-Driven Human Performance Analysis

Dr. Jason Kring will be talking about Uncovering the Challenges to Safe and Resilient Operations through Data-Driven Human Performance Analysis. The presentation will open with a high-level introduction to Fort Hill Group’s approach to analyzing safety events, which identifies positive and negative human performance contributions, and examples of our data visualizations. Next, based on prior analyses in the aviation domain, Dr. Kring will provide concrete examples and lessons learned for two prominent human performance challenges.

First, practical drift, or gradual deviations from standard operating procedures, is a factor in numerous accidents in aviation and other high-stress industries. The presentation will illustrate how specific trends in safety data can illuminate potential precursors to practical draft and highlight areas for targeted improvement. Second, the presentation will conclude with key recommendations for improving training effectiveness in high-risk and complex domains, particularly focused on selecting and better preparing instructors on how to train.