Large Southwestern Utility Chooses ResilientGrid to Provide Software to Enhance Transmission Control Center Situational Awareness

The Resiliency Management System® will provide advanced visualization for control center operations

AUSTIN, Texas - Today, ResilientGrid, Inc. announced that one of the largest Public Power utilities in the US has selected the ResilientGrid Resiliency Management System (RMS™) software platform for implementation in their three integrated transmission operations centers. The deployment of the RMS will facilitate important shared situational awareness through advanced visualizations, allowing the operators to see and understand the full transmission system in one place - similar to a “single pane of glass” visualization. The integration of data streams, from the growing number of grid systems (such as SCADA, EMS, weather data, PMUs, advanced network applications, historian), provides for improved capabilities in the control center and fosters increased productivity among the operators and shift supervisors. 

The utility, located in the southwest region of the US, is focused on providing its operators with best-in-class and innovative technologies that will optimize their environment and efficiencies as they embark on a multiyear project to update the primary, backup, and training centers for transmission and Balancing Authority (BA) operations. ResilientGrid’s RMS will play a central role by integrating the new video walls and operator workstations to provide a consistent and new level of shared situation awareness that is optimized by leveraging ResilientGrid’s expertise in human factors, cognitive systems engineering, and other science-based disciplines. 

“We’re thrilled to be a part of this project,” said Michael Legatt, Founder and CEO of ResilientGrid. “The key to supporting system operators is in improving the ease of access to all of their critical data in a way that is optimized for them, when and where it is needed most. We’re looking forward to supporting continuous improvement in the utility’s control centers, and incorporating current and future advanced technologies, from PMUs to cutting-edge network applications”. 

About ResilientGrid, Inc.:

ResilientGrid develops software solutions and services that put the operator at the center of electric grid operations—improving performance both day-to-day and during emergencies. The company’s software platform, ResilientGrid Resiliency Management System® (RMS™), provides operators with an integrated common operational picture for all components on the grid, and facilitates information sharing about system events for management, training, and compliance reporting. Solution suites are continuously improved and vendor-agnostic, designed to integrate with multiple vendor’s core technologies. The company is dedicated to providing grid operators, managers, and critical infrastructure organizations with the best tools available, applying human factors and cognitive system engineering at each of our customers’ facilities, to create environments and systems that enable the greatest possibility of productivity and success. 

ResilientGrid to Provide Software for NERC’s Situational Awareness Initiative

ResilientGrid to Provide Software for NERC’s Situational Awareness Initiative

ResilientGrid, Inc. announced today that the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) has selected the ResilientGrid OS software platform for implementation of Version 3 of the software tool for NERC’s Situational Awareness for FERC, NERC and the Regional Entities (SAFNR v3) initiative, which will cover the North American bulk power system. 

ResilientGrid's Power of Human Factors Engineering at UT

ResilientGrid's Power of Human Factors Engineering at UT

ResilientGrid Founder & CEO, Mike Legatt, PhD, will give a full day seminar on February 8, 2019 and again on April 25, 2019, on the principles he’s used for more than a decade to help electric utilities and grid operators perform their best. He’ll showcase the methods behind his development of ResilientGrid Map, and its predecessor which is still in use at the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT).

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Grid Resiliency Comes Through Helping Grid Operators Perform Better

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ResilientGrid Wins...

ResilientGrid Wins Capital Factory Smart City Challenge & $100K Investment

Cities across the world have been challenged to provide the fundamental necessities to grow — better transportation, affordable housing, clean energy. As one of the fastest growing cities in the nation, Austin is no exception. Although technology isn’t the answer to all our problems, it has always been a driving force in the growth of a city. We teamed up with MobilityXAustin Tech Alliance and the City of Austin to give one tech startup a $100,000 investment but left giving two startups the opportunity — what can we say? Two is better than one.

Our team of Mentors, city council members and officials, and representatives from MobilityX went through hours of pitches and one-on-one meetings with the six finalists. There were so many amazing companies that we couldn’t pick one — so we picked two! We decided that Cloud 9 and ResilientGrid would each receive a $100,000 investment to transform Austin into a city of the future.

ResilientGrid’s leadership team with Austin Mayor Steve Adler

ResilientGrid’s leadership team with Austin Mayor Steve Adler